Early Childhood Peace Education Program, Onetribe, Launched At Inspire

inspire children nursery logo Early Childhood Peace Education Program, Onetribe, Launched At InspireA unique learning program focused on diversity and peace education, OneTribe promotes multicultural awareness and self-esteem, with an aim toward fostering tolerance and understanding from the formative years. Ranked as one of the most diverse cities in the world, with over 200 nationalities, Dubai offers us an incredible opportunity to familiarize our children with world cultures, allowing us to help them develop an enhanced awareness, understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity in meaningful ways.

At Inspire Children’s Nursery, with OneTribe, we aim to teach our children to accept and get along with all cultures and races in order to become productive citizens of the world. As early childhood educators, we value the crucial role we play in preparing our students for the real world, and the real world is a multicultural one!!

A set of joyful daily and weekly rituals, designed to reinforce these values have been integrated into each class’ learning curriculum. At Tribe Time, an aboriginal “Talking Stone” activity starts off each morning, followed by world songs and stories along with popular nursery rhymes and tales. Yoganory is an energizing yoga and movement class, which takes children on adventures around the world. With Little Green Thumbs, the nursery’s

Peace Garden hosts nature exploration and activities for children as they learn all about plants and bugs, while Wonder World introduce children to a world of science and discovery with exciting experiments and material explorations. Pots & Pans brings alive new cultures through the comforting aromas of delicious delicacies, made by the children themselves and with Caboodle children experiment with mark-making and learn early writing skills by exploring the visual languages of ancient civilizations.

Designed and structured by early learning specialists at the nursery, inspired by the United Nations ECD Peace Consortium, OneTribe is layered across the fundamental pillars of the highly-acclaimed Creative Curriculum®, a leading American early childhood educationprogram. An enriching experiential program, OneTribe helps children explore cultural diversity through songs, stories, crafts, games & events, whilst focusing on peace values.

For more information, visit our curriculum page: http://bit.ly/1yIiM10

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